GearAid - Aquasure+FD™ Repair Kit - 10184
. Features:
- Product designed for field repair of most water sports equipment - clothing, gloves, suits, shoes, boats, waders, etc.
- It allows to carry out effective repairs both at home and in the field.
- Aquasure + FD™ urethane glue; provides a clean, durable and flexible joint
. - Designed to repair materials such as: neoprene, rubber, textiles, Hypalon, PVC, polyester, nylon, polyurethane, except for surfaces coated with silicone.
- Flexible patch provides a strong, waterproof layer to seal the damage
- Each patch has a strong adhesive tape with an easy to remove primer
- Two patches included
- Protective gloves and adhesive brush included
- The set is packed in a screw-on protective container, which allows easy carrying e.g. in backpack.
Technical data:
- Glue type: urethane
- Weight of glue: 7 g
- Weight of the set: 20 g
- Patch material: PVC, Nylon
- Patch diameter: 76 mm
- Patch color: black, transparent
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